What is CHOP?
The Colorado House of Prayer (CHOP) is tasked with helping increase unified persistent worship and prayer to extraordinary levels, even unto 24 hours a day 6 days a week. Our passion is unity, the presence of God, and the advancement of the kingdom.
When you come to the house you will first and foremost experience live worship. 90% of our gatherings have someone leading songs. Sometimes only two people are in the room, and sometimes the House is full. We have lots of young people, but also a good representation of the generations.
Except for our pastoral leadership, everyone is a volunteer. We may in the future increase our paid staff to help play host to the state, but our vision is to have ordinary people lead - moms, students, bankers, electricians, cooks, and the like. All are called to be priests unto the Lord. And all should be given the opportunity to play in the kingdom. If enough people participate at a small level, we could fill the the clock and the calendar with day and night ministry to the Lord, every day of the year.
Although all can participate, the road to LEADING in the House runs through the local church. God builds through relationships and spiritual family. This is not a place for the rebellious, critical, and isolated believer. This is a House of Houses. Zechariah 2:4 is our blueprint:
‘Jerusalem will be a city without walls because of the great number of people and animals in it.
And I myself will be a wall of fire around it,’ declares the Lord, ‘and I will be its glory within.’
CHOP is not a church, it is THE CHURCH working together. When someone comes to Christ their next step is to connect with a local fellowship. The leaders of CHOP have been local church pastors, and they love, honor, and guard the church. All churches who belong to Jesus are welcome to participate, regardless of their theological background. We hold to the supremacy and authority of the Bible, and the sufficiency of Jesus Christ to save us by grace alone through faith alone.
If you have a chance to stop by, you will see people worshipping, or laying on the ground, or reading their Bible quietly. At the front is a microphone that is reserved for prayer. The mic is not for teaching, exhorting, or giving testimonies (unless otherwise directed), but for reading scripture and offering prayers.
We also only allow pre-approved instruments to be played on stage - this includes shofars. We believe in proper kingdom order, and the person leading worship or prayer has authority over the room. When a church leads a set, this is their outpost and their rules of worship govern the time. We honor the authority God has given to each church and ministry to lead as if it were in their own space. It is so glorious to see brothers and sisters dwelling together in unity!