The Mission That Drives Us
Our mission is to spiritually transform Colorado through unified worship and prayer that blesses the Lord, revives the church, and advances local and global missions.
Connect People on mission for increased unity, strength, and effectiveness
Cultivate Ministry through houses of prayer and a schools ministry
Catalyze New Works from networking and prayer.
The Vision That Guides Us
One Hope is a network of people serving Jesus in Colorado. We desire to connect with churches, ministries, mission organizations, and influencers in the Ten Fields of society. In connecting, we can share our resources, care more deeply for each other, and effectively coordinate city-wide initiatives. Additionally, the Bible teaches that our unity attracts the presence of God and commands a blessing. Through events, publications, social media, websites, and more, we are promoting the missional activities originating out of Colorado. Many great people and ministries are touching locally and reaching globally. One Hope desires to pray for and promote what is happening to reach the world.
We are called to build a region-wide House of Prayer. This includes having a place of day and night ministry hosted by the churches of the region/city. One Hope is not a local fellowship, although every local church is a house of prayer. It is a fellowship of churches working together in unity towards extraordinary, continuous prayer. The House of Prayer also extends into prayer walks, unique events, retreats, and other prayer initiatives. Even further we are working towards the worship-prayer being in every field of society. Malachi 1:11 is something to chase: "For from the rising of the sun, even to its going down, My name shall be great among the Gentiles; In every place, incense shall be offered to My name."
We know that as people connect and worship new ideas, strategies, leaders, ministries, and even movements will spring forth. One Hope is a catalyst for starting, blessing, and supporting these new works. We are especially pursuing church growth and evangelism strategies for gospel movement.